600 Essential Words for the TOEIC – 2 edition. — Barron’s Educational Series, 2003.
Emphasizing English vocabulary, especially as words are used within the context of business, industry, and communications, this book has been designed especially for TOEIC test-takers. In fact, it can be used in virtually any ESL course.
Each of the book’s 50 lessons focuses on a specific TOEIC subject – for instance, transportation, business contracts, marketing, banking, office equipment, and personnel, to name only a few. Still other lessons concentrate on expanding English vocabulary as it relates to cultural events and activities – movies, theater, museums, music, art, and the like. Each short lesson features 12 target words with definitions. Word presentation is followed by activities in a TOEIC format in which the new vocabulary is used in varied contexts. A quiz follows every five lessons to test the reader’s skill in understanding and using the new words.
(PDF) 600 Essential Words for the TOEIC (144 downloads )
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