TOEFL iBt exam Vocabulary List – 1700 words

TOEFL iBt exam Vocabulary List – 1700 words- Michael Buckhof.

When you come across a word you do not know on the TOEFL iBT Exam Vocabulary list, quickly write it down onto a 3 x 5 inch note card (use one word on each note card). On the back of the note card, write down the meaning of the word and any other information (i.e. , pronunciation, part of speech, sample sentence, origin of word) that might help you to remember that word.
You can build your vocabulary by studying your note cards regularly. Write sentences using the new words. Add synonyms and antonyms to your note cards everyday. Little by little you will begin to increase your knowledge of informal, formal, and academic vocabulary. Now let’s get started.
When reading passages for pleasure, for work, or for university coursework, you will encounter unfamiliar vocabulary. In these situations, you should try to understand the new word by looking at the context in which it is used. Examples, appositives, punctuation, the conjunction or, clauses, referents, be verb, contrasts, and other words in the sentence are contextual clues which may help you to understand a new word.

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