
New Matrix 8th Grade

New Matrix 8th Grade Student’s book – Kathy Gude, Michael Duckworth, Elena Khotuntseva – Oxford University Press, 2008, 162 pages.

New Matrix 8th Grade Workbook – Nixon Rosemary, Gude Kathy, Duckworth Michael – Relod, 2008, 69 pages.

New Matrix 9th Grade Workbook

New Matrix 9th Grade features:

  • New Matrix 9th Grade Workbook – Oxford University Press.
  • New Matrix (For Russia) – шестиуровневое издание, созданное и усовершенствованное специально для российских школ с учетом пожеланий российских учителей.New Matrix (for Russia) учит учащихся общаться на английском и готовит их к итоговой аттестации, в том числе к ЕГЭ. Учебный материал подобран с учетом повышенных требований, позволяющих учащимся стать уверенными пользователями языка.

New Matrix Foundation

New Matrix maximizes performance in the school-leaving exam through demanding material and a focus on exam tasks and techniques. The new edition has been updated through direct feedback from Matrix users, to include revised texts, a vocabulary lesson in every unit, and more focused exam practice.

New Matrix Pre-Intermediate

New Matrix Pre-Intermediate Teacher’s Book – Gude Kathy, Duckworth MichaeL, 128 pages

New Matrix Pre-Intermediate Class Audio

New Matrix Pre-Intermediate Workbook – Nixon Rosemary, Gude Kathy, Duckworth Michael 2007 -71 pages

New Matrix Pre-Intermediate Student’s Book – Gude Kathy, Duckworth Michael. — Oxford University Press, 2008-153 pages

New Matrix Intermediate 

New Matrix Intermediate:
A new edition of the challenging secondary course which prepares students for success in their school-leaving exams.
Popular features improved and updated in response to teachers’ feedback:
thought-provoking topics and authentic texts
demanding materials to build confidence
systematic exam training: exam tasks, tips and techniques
grammar activated through exam-like tasks
emphasis on effective production:
speaking on a range of involving subjects
step-by-step guidance in writing a variety o f texts
regular revision and recycling
grammar reference
dictionary-style wordlist
What’s new?

Effective Reading 3 Intermediate

Effective Reading 3 Intermediate – Macmillan Education, 2010.Enabling students to become confident and fluent readers, this series takes students from elementary to upper intermediate level. It draws on research into what creates good readers and actively addresses the needs of both learners and teachers of reading.

(Free) Effective Reading 1 Elementary

Effective Reading 1 Elementary – Macmillan Education, 2010.Enabling students to become confident and fluent readers, this series takes students from elementary to upper intermediate level. It draws on research into what creates good readers and actively addresses the needs of both learners and teachers of reading.

(Free Download)  Macmillan Children’s Dictionary

 Macmillan Children’s Dictionary – Macmillan, 2001, 99 pages. The Macmillan Children’s Dictionary is a beautifully-illustrated photographic picture dictionary for use alongside any children’s course. It includes British and American vocabulary and spelling, as well as a range of graded reading, writing and speaking activities.

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