Oxford Tiny Talk 3 Levels 

Tiny Talk is a popular English language teaching series designed for young children, typically divided into different levels to cater to varying stages of language development.

The levels generally follow a structured progression, with each level building on the vocabulary, grammar, and conversational skills introduced in the previous one.

Level 1: Beginner

  • Focus: Basic vocabulary and simple sentence structures.
  • Content: Common nouns (family, animals, objects), basic verbs (run, eat, play), and simple adjectives (big, small, happy, sad).
  • Activities: Songs, chants, simple dialogues, and repetitive exercises to reinforce new words and phrases.
  • Skills: Listening and speaking, basic reading recognition.

Level 2: Elementary

  • Focus: Expanding vocabulary and introducing more complex sentences.
  • Content: Expanded vocabulary (colors, shapes, food), present simple tense, questions and answers (What is this? It is a…).
  • Activities: Role-playing, simple stories, interactive games, and exercises for constructing sentences.
  • Skills: Improved listening and speaking, introduction to writing basic words and sentences, beginning to read simple texts.

Level 3: Pre-Intermediate

  • Focus: Further vocabulary expansion, basic grammar structures, and conversational skills.
  • Content: More detailed vocabulary (places, daily activities, weather), simple past tense, prepositions, and conjunctions.
  • Activities: Short conversations, story comprehension, interactive activities to practice grammar and vocabulary.
  • Skills: Enhanced speaking and listening skills, better reading comprehension, writing simple sentences and short paragraphs.

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