
Exploring Our World

Exploring Our World 5 – Oxford University Press, 2010.

This exciting new series of non-fiction readers provides interesting and educational content, with activities and project work. The readers are graded at four levels, from 3 to 6, suitable for students from age 8 and older.

They can support Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLlL), and cover a broad range of topics, within three curriculum areas:
– The World of Science and Technology
– The Natural World
– The World of Arts and Social Studies

Proficiency English PDF Audio Resources

Proficiency English PDF Audio Resources – Nelson.

Proficiency English is a four book course which expands the students’ knowledge of English and helps them to progress from competence to fluency in English. The material in the books has been thoroughly tested and its use has produced a very high pass rate in the new examination

English for Everyone Everyday English: Learn and Practice Over 1500 Words and Phrases (Audio PDF EPUB MOBI) – British and America English

English for Everyone Everyday English: Learn and Practice Over 1,500 Words and Phrases – DK, 2024 (DK English for Everyone).Speak English confidently in a wide range of everyday situations, from making small talk to booking a trip abroad.

With more than 1,500 of the most useful phrases and common expressions, English for Everyone: Everyday English gives you all the English conversation skills you need to get by in the real world.

Vocabulary Workshop Common Core Enriched Edition Student Edition Level Green Grade 3 with iWords Audio Program

Introducing the Words begins each Unit with a visually appealing fiction or nonfiction passage that provides context for the new vocabulary words.

Word Study develops strategies for decoding word meanings as well as integrates speaking and writing activities to expand word knowledge.

Shades of Meaning helps students recognize word relationships and nuances in word meanings by exploring idioms, metaphors, proverbs, and word choice.

Unit Review provides additional activities that provide reinforcement and enrichment, including Definitions, Matching the Meaning, Synonyms/Antonyms, Completing the Sentence, Word Associations, Vocabulary for Comprehension, Classifying, and Completing the Idea.

Focus on IELTS Foundation

Author: Longman, 2010

Pages: 176

Focus on IELTS Foundation provides a solid grounding in the key language and skills needed for success in the International English Language Testing System examination (IELTS). The course contains essential information and advice about IELTS modules and tasks, and an invaluable end section providing supplementary language and writing practice. Focus on IELTS Foundation is ideal preparation for the Focus on IELTS course but can also be used independently.

Vocabulary Workshop Common Core Enriched Edition Student Edition Level Purple – Grade 2

Sadlier Incorporated, William H., 2011, 168 pages.

Words are taught through explicit, systematic instruction that is consistent across each level. Units include the following f

Introducing the Words begins each Unit with a visually appealing fiction or nonfiction passage that provides context for the new vocabulary words.

Word Study develops strategies for decoding word meanings as well as integrates speaking and writing activities to expand word knowledge.

Shades of Meaning helps students recognize word relationships and nuances in word meanings by exploring idioms, metaphors, proverbs, and word choice.

Unit Review provides additional activities that provide reinforcement and enrichment, including Definitions, Matching the Meaning, Synonyms/Antonyms, Completing the Sentence, Word Associations, Vocabular for Comprehension, Classifying, and Completing the Idea.

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